
Increase Your Construction Business with a QG Smart Home Partnership

Are you a contractor looking to elevate your construction projects with the latest smart home technology? Partnering with QG Smart Home could be the perfect opportunity for you. We partnered up with an HVAC company in Boyertown, to show them how we can help their customers with smart home technology. We specialize in providing cutting-edge smart home technology and connectivity solutions, and we’re seeking skilled contractors like you to bring these innovations to life in homes across the country.

Advanced Technology

Seamless Connectivity

Expand Your Offerings

Training & Support

What We Offer, What You Bring

At QG Smart Home, we provide the technology, products, and expertise in smart home connectivity. What we need from you is the skilled installation and hands-on approach to bring these technologies into homes. Together, we can create living spaces that are not just smart, but intuitive and highly desirable.

Join Us in Reshaping the Smart Home Landscape

Embrace the future of construction by partnering with QG Smart Home. With our technology and your installation expertise, we can transform ordinary houses into smart homes that captivate and inspire. Let’s work together to make smart living a reality for homeowners everywhere.

Why Partner with QG Smart Home?

Access to Advanced Technology

As a QG Smart Home partner, you’ll have access to a wide range of smart home devices and systems. From smart thermostats and lighting to security systems and entertainment technology, we supply the latest and greatest in smart home innovations.

Statistics of Smart Homes

Statistic Detail
Global Market Size (2022) $80.21 Billion
Projected Market Size (2030) $195.73 Billion

Seamless Integration and Connectivity

We understand the complexities of smart home systems, and we’re here to ensure seamless integration and connectivity. Our team works closely with you to provide support and guidance, ensuring every installation is efficient, effective, and up to the latest standards.

Statistics of Smart Homes

Statistic Detail
Impact on Home Sales 54% of Homeowners Believe Smart Tech Speeds Up Sales
Home Buyers Willing to Pay More for Smart Home 78%

Expand Your Service Offerings

By partnering with us, you can expand your service offerings to include smart home installations. This not only makes your business more versatile but also more attractive to clients who are seeking modern, tech-savvy homes.

Statistics of Smart Homes

Statistic Detail
U.S. Households with Smart Home Devices Over 50%
Energy Savings with Smart HVAC Systems Up to 50%

Training and Support

We believe in empowering our partners. That’s why we provide training and ongoing support to ensure you’re well-equipped to handle any smart home installation. You’ll gain valuable skills and knowledge that will set you apart in the construction industry.

Statistics of Smart Homes

Statistic Detail
Smart Home Device Owner Satisfaction 97% Satisfied
Insurance Premium Reduction with Smart Security Up to 20%

smart homes for contractors

Increased Business Opportunities

Smart homes are the future of living, and by partnering with QG Smart Home, you’ll be at the forefront of this growing market. This partnership can open doors to new projects and clientele, giving your business a competitive edge.

Statistics of Smart Homes

Statistic Detail
Smart Home Market Share in North America 40% of Global Consumer Spending
Global Number of Smart Homes in 2023 Over 300 Million

Collaborative Approach

We value collaboration and open communication. Our partnership is built on mutual respect and the shared goal of delivering top-quality smart home solutions to homeowners.

Statistics of Smart Homes

Statistic Detail
Average Number of Smart Home Devices in U.S. Households 8 Devices
Smart Home Camera Adoption Growth (2021-2022) 55% Increase

Are you a Contractor? Partner up with QG Smart Home